On a mission for solving complex problems using computers and software and make technology accessible and available to everyone✌🏻
Web App to convert text into speech.
Corona Virus is spreading throughout the entire world. as a developer, to make the situation better, I decided to build something useful that can help to spread awareness by visualizing the data. so, I developed a React web application that is used for tracking the current cases of COVID-19 across the world and country-wise with the help of visual graphics & statistics.
This project based on java with integration of MySQL. ERP system for car sales enterprise helps to create organized collection of sales data using database system & User Interface.
I developed my first android application for scanning QR and Barcode, Using ZXing library. it was a fun experience.
My first experience with web development.Developed my personal website.
Apart from being a Software Developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. In the vacation, I run towards the mountains for some adventure activities and enjoy the beauty of nature.
and with a cup of coffee, I spend my free time exploring the latest technological advancements in the computer science world.